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Ad ID: 000910
Total views: 854
Posted: Mar 18, 2014 12:32 PM
ANONYMOUS Egg Donors Needed! Earn Up To $60,000 Compensation
Colorado Springs, CO
Other locations:
Job type:
Full Time, Part Time, Contract, Internship
Compensation / Salary:
$3500-$10,000 per cycle
Hours / Shift:
Some College

My Donor Cycle is currently seeking for young intelligent women to help an infertile couple create the family of their dreams. You will be highly compensated not only for your gift but also for your time and dedication.

Donors are compensated $3500-$10,000 per donation and can donate up to 6 times in your lifetime which means you have an earning potential of up to $60,000.

Donations are completely ANONYMOUS. All medical expenses as well as travel expenses are paid for by the intended parents. You will also have the choice of travel with a companion of your choice all expenses paid for both.

You must meet the following criteria:
Must be 20-30 years old
Must be healthy, height and weight proportionate ( Body mass Index must be 18-27)
Must have normal periods
Must have at least some college credits
Must be a non-smoker
Must not be on anti-depressants

If interested in egg donation please email alicia@mydonorcycle.com with the following:

10 clear photos
Full Name
Age (DOB)
Eye Color
Natural Hair Color
Blood Type
Education Level
Ethnic Background ( please be specific)
Do you have any children or have you donated your eggs before?
Would you be willing to travel if necessary ? (all expenses paid for both you and a companion)
Would you be interested in a cycle in India or Cancun ? ( all expenses paid)

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