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Ad ID: 000959
Total views: 1,370
Posted: Apr 07, 2024 01:49 AM
Soliciting a Police Decoy - Patronizing Prostitution in Kansas City?
Kansas City, MO
(816) 221-5900
Website / Link:
Patronizing Prostitution Combating prostitution is a difficult job for law enforcement. Recently in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area police have targeted the customers, or the "Johns," who do business with prostitutes — in addition to going after the prostitutes themselves. This includes placing ads in local newspapers and online. Regardless of whether you meant to solicit a prostitute's services, you need a skilled criminal defense attorney. An experienced attorney may be able to keep the violation off your record. *There are a couple of ways to do this, some very discrete, some not so much.*
Indecent Exposure

Combating what the public perceives as an invasion of “their” public parks by same sex folks seeking one another for casual sexual encounters is a difficult job for law enforcement. Some people take exception to this kind of activity taking place in front of their children and resent not being able to use certain Public Parks due to these kinds of activities. Recently in the Kansas City Metropolitan Area police have targeted theses areas more intensely with by deploying details of police officers posing as fellow travels of this alternative lifestyle.

Whether what you did is right or wrong is beside the point, if you find yourself charged with a sex related crime you need a skilled criminal defense attorney. There are a couple of ways to do this, some very discrete, some not so much. But no one wants a sex related crime on their public record for employers or others to find. An experienced attorney may be able to keep the violation off your record.

David Lurie Law Offices
(816) 221-5900
(816) 525-1500
E-MAIL: info@the-law.com
WORLD WIDE WEB: http://the-law.com

The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be made
solely on the basis of advertisements SO CALL TODAY.
This information is specific to residents of Missouri and Kansas. The
transmission of information from David M. Lurie to you is not intended
to create nor does it create an attorney-client relationship
between David M. Lurie and you.

Offenses defended:
BAC, Driving While Intoxicated (DWI), Driving under the influence (DUI),
Traffic ticket, Solicitation, Soliciting a police decoy,
Patronizing Prostitution, Internet Crime.
Fraud, Embezzlement, Speeding, False information to a police
officer, Leaving the Scene, Hit and Run, Probation Violation,
Careless and Imprudent, Failure to Stop or Yield, Running Red Light,
Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle, Evading or Eluding the
Police, Domestic Violence, Resisting Arrest, Driving While Suspended,
Driving While Revoked, Failure to Provide Insurance, No License, No
insurance. Crimes involving illegal downloads

Cities and Counties Served:
Kansas City, KCMO, Grandview, Gladstone,
Liberty, Parkville, Claycomo, Pleasant Valley, Blue Springs, Raytown,
Raymore, Lees Summit, Independence, Grain Valley, Belton, Harrisonville,
Lone Jack, Kansas City, Clay, Cass, Johnson, Jackson.

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