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✰ Desert Blush Boudoir ✰
• Very Affordable •
All of our photography packages include 2 hours of photography.
The use of our glamour clothing and lingerie available in most sizes.
Shoes, hats, boas, wigs, jewelery, props, masks and more!!!
••• The Basic Package •••
Basic Shoot and Photo CD
✰ 20 high resolution color Images on Photo CD With Printing Rights
(*favorites selected from hundreds of proofs)
✰ Includes Images also converted to black & white
✰ Includes images also web ready (perfect for emailing & facebook)
✰ Password protected web site to view your proofs
✰ Posing instruction and facial expression coaching throughout your shoot
Visit our web site
✰ Desert Blush Boudoir ✰
We accept all major credit cards and Gift Certificates are available

Photo, photographer, Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Arizona, Female, pin
up,pin-up, boudior, boudiour, budoir, boudouir, bouduir, bouduoir