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Ad ID: 001115
Total views: 960
Posted: Jan 04, 2022 02:16 AM
Beauty Control Consultant
Toledo, OH
(419) 575-9270

How many of you love getting rejuvenating facials, along with hand, and foot treatments ? Don't have the time? Or do you prefer doing it in the privacy of your own home?What would you think if I told you I'd give you a high quality facial, and hand treatment for free?
I'm a personal Beauty Control consultant who loves to help women and men feel good in their skin by finding the right products for them. We offer a wide range, top of the line spa quality products to choose from.
Can't find a top of the line product to hide those bags under your eyes? How about those wrinkles? I have the solution for you. Don't miss this opportunity to check out my products.
So , if you and your friends would like to have a relaxing girls night contact me at 419-575-9270.

Thank you.

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