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Ad ID: 001713
Total views: 936
Posted: Jun 26, 2024 01:59 AM
Computer/Laptop Repairs and More
North Central Ohio, OH
(419) 217-9567
Drop off computer repair services - $59.99 not including replacement parts/software
Pick up computer repair services - $89.99 not including replacement parts/software
Annual Residential Service Contract start at $9.99/month

Data Recovery Services $59.99

Got an old drive and you want your files off of it? Did you perform a system recovery not knowing you would lose everything? Accidentally formatted the wrong drive?

Simply bring us the drive, and we will give it a shot. Not all drives can be recovered, but we will do out best to get everything we can.

Cloud Data Backups $59.88/ year or $5.99/month

Are you backing up your files on a regular basis? For most people, the answer is no.

Sure you have thumb/pen/flash/jump drive but that only hold just your really important stuff.

What about all the other important stuff: family photos, your favorite music, that funny video clip? Do you have those backed up? No? But you have that stuff on your various social sites like Facebook, and Google. You could get them all back, right? Sure, but how long would it take you?

202 E McPherson Hwy Suite A

(google map) (yahoo map)

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