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Ad ID: 001814
Total views: 888
Posted: Dec 17, 2024 07:00 AM
Stop Leaving Business on the Table!!! Close 300% more Sales!!
Las Vegas, NV
(818) 489-8986
You should NOT have lost that sale! What went wrong? Why did they turn into another "NO SALE"? The script that works for you 25% of the time is still leaving 75% of your business on the table. Why is that? Saying "Buh-bye" to 75% of your prospects? I call that a loss.

Now - If you had a tool in your Sales Toolbox that would stop these lost sales and improve your closing ratio by 300%, or even much, much more - what would that improvement mean for your business? for your life? What if your entire Sales Team had this tool?

What if you knew, with absolute certainty, what your prospect's "GO" buttons were, before you even sat down to meet? What if you knew exactly how to talk to them, what words to use, what words to avoid, what drives their buying decisions, etc., from THEIR point of view? (hint: it's not your point of view that matters to your prospect. It's theirs!) If you could crack the personality code that would give you all these answers in advance, couldn't you be more successful in your sales presentations? Couldn't you be A LOT MORE successful, if you only knew your prospect's personality code?

Try it here for free - crack your own personality code in 90 seconds, and see for yourself. Copy and paste the url below into your browser and Crack Your Personality Code!


Play the game. It costs nothing, takes only 90 seconds, and you have everything to gain. Then read your own Bank Code profile, be amazed, and call me for further details.

For a video description of BANK go to this address: http://youtu.be/DKDLqji3xwU?t=4m54s
Don't lose ONE MORE SALE because you don't know BANK!

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