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Ad ID: 002385
Total views: 1,144
Posted: Jan 31, 2023 12:35 AM
Toledo, OH
(419) 872-5566 (Al & Tami Luna)
Website / Link:
If you have strange occurrences happening in your home or business we are here to help! If you feel threatened by something that you cannot see or hear or you are curious to find out why or how something is happening we are here to help! Our group is called Paranormal Spirit Encounter Investigations or PSEI for short. If you have strange occurrences and just want to find out if it is paranormal or something natural. We are here to help anyone in need of answers.
We do not charge a fee for our services. Our goal is to help people be comfortable in their homes and businesses just as they should be. So contact us if you have any unexplainable activity happening to you, your family or employees and let us help. We look forward to hearing from you!
You can also Like us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/Parasei and visit our website at www.parasei.com.
Al & Tami Luna

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