Flight Instruction available out of the Yuma or Somerton airports.
Looking for someone who has his or her own airplane who wants to learn
to fly. My cost per hour is $45 per hour flight instruction and $35 per
hour for ground instruction. The minimum hours needed to learn to fly is
40. However, the average flight time needed to learn to fly is more
than 50. This 50 hours would be a target time for the you the student to
get your pilot's license. It has been known to take some people more
than 100 hours. However, this is rare. The ground instruction hours
needed also depends on the student. However, there is no minimum ground
instruction hours required by the FAA. For every flight there will be 15
minutes ground instruction charged during pre-flight and 15 minutes
charged for post-flight. There is a knowledge test that covers all
aspects of flying from reading weather charts, to learning symbols on a
map chart called a sectional. The student will also learn about the
engine and aerodynamics of how an airplane flies. These are only a
couple of subjects the student will learn. So the flight instructor
gives ground instruction to teach and reinforce what the student reads
in the flight manual. The total ground instruction time could be from 50
to a 100 hours and sometimes more depending on the student. I have more
than 1600 hours total time and a 1000 hours as flight instructor. I
truly care for you the student and want you to learn everything you need
to learn to be a safe and conscientious pilot. Learning to fly is
expensive. I can accept credit cards using the Square payment system. If
you can afford it, I just want you to know it takes dedication and
commitment. But the end result is well worth the journey. You can
contact me at 928-246-8085 for more information.