Zoysia Plug Grass, Wholesale- the Best Price Anywhere, as Low as $8. for
150 Plugs at 21 orders or more, $9. for orders at 20 to 11 orders, and
$10. if any orders are 10 orders or less. Make A Care Free Lawn That Is
Mowed Once Or Twice A Season when Established and Stays Green in Summer
Through Heat and Drought. Can Be Planted In New or Existing Lawns and
will Choke Out All Weeds, Including Crabgrass. 150 Plugs will plant 1800
sq. ft. of Lawn at one ft. sq. apart. "There are No Handlings
Charges", but if you want it Shipped to your location, it will cost you
the minable cost to your area as you request, Payment in Advance by
Money Order Only, call To Make That Order at 567-207-5327 between normal
business hours 7 days a week. For Local Order and Pick Ups Call at
567-207-5327 For Times and Dates.
Thank You.