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Ad ID: 003814
Total views: 1,407
Posted: Jul 27, 2024 03:10 AM
Hey Single Mom, Change Your Mind & Change Your Life: Identify the 3 beliefs keeping you stuck.....
Nashville, TN
Hey Single Mom, Change Your Mind & Change Your Life Workshop: Identify the 3 Beliefs Keeping YOU Stuck & How to Overcome Them ***A Workshop for Single Moms Aged 29-39*** #DreamBig4YourKids At this workshop, I'm giving you the tools to make your life authentic and NOT a cliche! Are you tired of hearing "Trouble Don't Last Always"? Could you just slap the next person who tells you "Everything Happens for a Reason"? And do you roll your eyes when folks say "God Doesn't Give YOU More Than You Can Bear"? You're sick and tired of hearing these cliches because: Your 'TROUBLE' has lasted for far too long. You can't think of ONE good reason for certain things happening to you. And there were PLENTY of times when you felt like you couldn't take one more let down or disappointment from life. Limiting beliefs usually fall into 3 categories: FEARS SELF-DOUBTS PAST FAILURES LIMITING BELIEFS ARE LIES! As a result of attending this workshop: You will figure out your natural gifts and talents, which is KEY in determining what your purpose is. What's your BREAKTHROUGH WORTH to you? You will identify the limiting beliefs that are holding you back and learn how to fight the negative chatter in your head. These techniques start working immediately! What's the 1 fear that you think about the most? You will determine the next steps you need to take to pursue your dreams. I'm talking about your dreams that are so BIG they scare you a little. What is your BIG audacious goal? FYI - BEING REALISTIC IS OFTEN JUST SETTLING FOR LESS My question to you is..... Are you ready for major changes in your life, but in minimal time? Are you really just done with your present situation, but you don't know what to do next? How would you feel if a year from now your life is unrecognizable, but in a good way? Listen, I created the Change Your Mind, Change Your Life Workshop, especially for women just like you and me. The Single Mom who wants her son to live a life a trillion times better than hers. The Single Mom who wants to tell her daughter that life is good, easy and abundant, and not just to protect her from the life of hard knocks, but because it's true. The Single Mom who tells her child that he can be anything he wants to be and really believe it herself. Personally, my son was the catalyst for my own transformation. I never want to lie to him about his potential or squash his dreams as being too unrealistic. But I had to overcome my own limitations first. THE FIRST 15 ATTENDEES GET A $50 DISCOUNT! NO PROMO CODE NEEDED. JUST CLICK THE LINK BELOW AND YOU'LL PAY $147! BUT ONLY IF YOU'RE 1 OF THE FIRST 15. PAY SECURELY VIA EVENTBRITE:


Thompson Lane at Porter Road, 37204    google map | yahoo map

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