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Ad ID: 004783
Total views: 1,035
Posted: May 26, 2023 01:57 AM
Pet Stain & Odor Remover - DIY Carpet Cleaner - Genesis 950
Western Maryland, MD
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Making your carpet clean does not have to be difficult or expensive. Hiring a professional cleaner can cost hundreds of dollar. On top of that you have to try to find the time to accommodate for a cleaning crew. Time is just as important of a commodity as money, and this time of year is probably the least flexible. You also want to be sure that the cleaner being used is effective as well as safe. While professional cleaners give you lots of options as far as protection, stain lifter and guards, you really don't know what they are using and how effective it is. Is it safe? Will it damage your carpet? Will it work?

Perhaps the best way to clean your carpet is by doing it yourself. Genesis 950 is the perfect cleaner for any type of machine. It works in carpet shampooers, carpet cleaning machines, and rental machines. While a professional cleaner can charge up to $100 per room, and increase that cost based on your cleaning selections, Genesis 950 is only $60 for a 2.5 gallon cube. As a concentrated cleaner, it goes a long way. With 2.5 gallons, you can easily clean your ENTIRE home. In many cases, a $42 gallon size might even clean all the carpets in your house.

Genesis 950 is a green cleaner. It is sustainable and will not harm the environment. This means it is also safe to use around you, your pets, and your children. No dangerous chemicals are in Genesis 950. And it works! Genesis 950 is unlike any cleaner you have ever used. It does not contain enzymes, ammonia or bleach. It is a surfactant based cleaner. This type of cleaner works with water to actually break down the bonds of stains, changing their structure to lift them from the surface. Once they are lifted, they can be easily flushed and rinsed from the surface.

For best results, use Genesis 950 in any type of carpet cleaning machine. Genesis 950 works best when mixed at a 1 part 950 to 7 part mixture of water. In mixing in such a manner, it is clear just how much you get from 2.5 gallons. At this ratio, a 2.5 gallon cube essentially gives you over 17 gallons of cleaning solution. There are 2 different types of machines. There are machines which have a separate compartment for solution, and a separate tank for clean water. With these type of machines, use the Genesis 950 straight in the formula compartment. The machine will have settings which will automatically dispense and mix the two together. The other type of machine has one compartment where the solution and water are mixed. This is where you mix at a 1:7 ratio.

Once you have added the water and solution to the machine, simply go over the area nice and slow. When the mixture is dispensed into the carpet, it will begin to break apart anything in the carpet that doesn't belong. Dirt, mud, pet stains, mold, bacteria - everything you don't want. After you have gone over the area, let the mixture sit in the carpet. The longer you wait, the more it will break down. Generally, 20 to 30 minutes is a good wait time. Your next step is to rinse. Go over the areas you cleaned using ONLY water in the tank. This is where you will see the results, and in most cases be completely shocked by what comes out of your carpet. The first time you rinse, the water may come back a dark brown or black color. This is from everything that has built up over time in your carpet. Rinse as much as you can until the water starts to come back into the machine clear. It may take some time because the Genesis 950 really breaks everything down and pulls it all out.

Using Genesis 950 will make your carpets look like new. It will restore bounce to your carpet. It will brighten the color. As an added bonus, Genesis 950 has anti-bacterial agents. This will help kill any germs or bacteria in the carpet. It will reduce the threat of germs that cause flu or illness. It will also greatly reduce any effects allergens might have on people.

With Genesis 950, there is no need to hire professional cleaners. You can get the look of new carpet without spending a fortune, and you can do it on your time. Most important, you know that it is safe!

Order Genesis 950 & Read Reviews at www.genesis950.com.

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