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Ad ID: 005066
Total views: 969
Posted: Feb 22, 2020 08:03 AM
Buying A Home? ----------> Purchase With Just 3.5% Down
Sierra Vista, AZ
(877) 908-5743
The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers special loans to help both low- and moderate-income families purchase housing. All FHA loans are federally backed and all FHA lenders have been approved by the federal government to service the loans. When compared to other types of mortgages, an FHA loan is especially affordable and easy to qualify for, making them a great choice for people and families who have a limited budget or a tarnished credit history.


Why are FHA loans so Great? FHA loans make it easy to buy property because they allow you to buy a home with a down payment as small as 3.5%. Other loan programs generally require a much larger down payment. It’s also easier to use gifts for a down payment and closing costs. In addition, sellers can pay up to 6% of the loan amount towards a buyer’s closing costs. Borrowers with low credit scores are also more likely to get approved if they apply for an FHA loan because credit scores can go as low as 580 if you want to make a 3.5% down payment. If you’re willing to make a larger down payment, your score can potentially be even lower.

Disclaimer: This classified is a paid advertisement. Neither this website, nor BRHomeLoans.com are responsible for typographical errors misprints or omissions. BRHomeLoans.com Is Not The Government or Affiliated with FHA or HUD. BRHomeLoans.com is a national expert network with approved FHA Lenders. The content here and on BRHomeLoans.com is for educational purposes only and is solely intended to help first-time home buyers or current owners understand the FHA home loan process. Please check with the classified ad poster for more information.

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