Are you ready to make life style changes to steer your life in a more healthy direction?
Do you wish to lower stress and improve life enjoyment and longevity, or are you looking for maintainable weight loss, or both?
I can help you identify and apply necessary changes using a holistic approach.
I am Janne (Yena) Maier, and I spent over 2000 hours researching
nutrition as part of my graduate work earning a Master in Science at
UAF. I am also a certified health coach and personal trainer. I am
offering my services for people of all ages and sizes at NovoVita,
Health, Nutrition, and Fitness Coaching. I will be seeing clients at
Acutribe on Well Street and at Fairbanks Family Wellness on Airport Way
between 8 am and 6 pm on weekdays.
Your first consultation will be in two parts, before and after your
assessment period, and it will consist of a thorough assessment of your
current health, lifestyle, and habits as well as a look at your goals.
We will use this information to lay out a "Plan for Change" that will
help you gain better health, and lose weight if that is your goal. We
will identify areas where you can make healthy changes that fit your
daily routine and will help achieve your lifestyle objectives.
Your "Plan for Change" will draw on various community resources
depending on your areas of interest and time availability. Continuing
consultations will be used to adjust the plan to accommodate progress,
and they may include guided exercises and/or fitness training, grocery
shopping, diet consults, home or work place visits, and alternative
cooking options depending on your interests.
Initial consultation including assessment is $100, but right now I offer
2 for 1. You and a friend can schedule separate appointments and each
pay only $50.
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Call 322 6602