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Ad ID: 005890
Total views: 980
Posted: Jan 16, 2025 01:19 AM
Local computer repair technician
Bellingham, WA
(604) 700-4030 (A Smit)
(Bellingham/Lynden/Birch Bay/Ferndale )

Special offer $ 50 / Hour.

*it service that works for you and your business
*all our services are provided onsite.
*pc / apple mac laptops & desktops repair.
*data recovery / data back up solutions.
*hardware & software problems resolved onsite.
*we carry a range of parts and can usually up-grade or repair your computer the same day.
*if your hard drive fails or computer doesn't start or you have accidently deleted some of your important files, we can provide a secured data recovery service onsite without taking your hard drive or computer elsewhere
*we can setup a secure wireless networks so your neighbours can not use internet free of charge and can not access your important files and data
*expert in liquid spill clean. 90% laptop works without any issues once liquid spill clean has been performed.
*transfer data from pc to mac or mac to pc, transfer data from dead computer to new.
*microsoft / apple cerftified engineer

my services includes,

computer performance tune-up
computer purchase consulting
computer repair
computer security
computer setup & training
computer upgrades
custom built computers
data backups
data conversion
data destruction
data encryption
data migration
data recovery
data restoration
data security
desktop/laptop repairs
desktop/laptop upgrades
hard drive recovery
hardware installation
hardware upgrades
lcd screen repair
liquid spill damage repair
macintosh setup, repairs, and upgrades
macintosh training
malware removal (viruses, trojans, worms, root kits, bots, etc)
much more...

Contact - A Smit.
cell: 604-700-4030

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