It's only a matter of time before everyone becomes a victim of identity
theft, the # 1 fastest growing crime. What do you have in place to help
Anthem Inc., the second largest health insurer in America revealed that
hackers broke into the company's servers and stole social security
numbers and other personal information. This is a massive data breach
with the potential to expose the information of nearly 80 million Anthem
customers and has the potential to be the largest health care related
data breach in history. The company notes that accounts associated with
Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Blue Cross and
Blue Shield of Georgia, Empire Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Amerigroup ,
Caremore, Unicare, Healthlink, and DeCare were all part of the data
Why not have peace of mind knowing that you can have you and your
family's identity completely restored for you, not just monitored, if
you were to become a victim. Stop thinking it's just financial or it
will never happen to you. Put a plan in action today!
Go to or call or text the number above.