The Hottest Hair Trends
Feather Extension Are still going strong, and now the newest in fun Hair accessories are the Long
Tinsels Extensions and the extra bling of the
Crystal Rhinestones
Tinsels come in a rainbow of colors: Silver , Gold, reds, greens,
purples, blues and more . All have amazing sparkle. The Crystals come in
the same range of wonderful colors and all products are made in the USA
All these items can remain in Hair while washing, blow drying and curling the hair. Lasting time varies per person.
Pricing on Feather extensions are going up and do vary from $3.00 to $5.00 a feather. The Trend has now limited supplies.
Tinsels start at $2.00 to $5.00 each
Crystals start 5 for $10.00
Located Down town Monterey
by appointment only
Willow 7 Salon
Mention or print this ad and receive one
Free Tinsel or Crystal with purchase.