Fuel prices are on the rise, just how much is anyones guess. But with a
Hydrogen Generating System from New Horizons HHO System you can rest
easy that you will be saving with every fill up. Hydrogen generators
have been around for more than 100 years, but now we have a way harness
this incredible energy source with our patented system. Once installed
you can enjoy a 30% to 50% increase in mpg and in most cases even
better. Turn your car or truck into a hydrogen hybrid. Some of the
benefits are reduced emissions, improved performance and longer engine
life. New Horizons HHO Systems are easy to maintain, and are guaranteed
to work as advertised or your money gladly returned. But when you are
the owner of the finest system on the market today, you will be telling
your friends, family, and every one you meet, about your improved mpg.
But don't take my word for it, come in Monday -Friday 7:30 am- 6:30 and
Saturday 7:30:am- 1:00 . You owe it to yourself to see just how much you
will save on your fuel cost. We can install one in your car or truck;
same day service. Give us a call to schedule your appointment to have
your car or truck equipped with the finest HHO system on the market
417-343-7498. Prices start at $600.00.
Please make sure check the website and get all the information:
Call 417-343-7498 John ,and no text ,thanks