16 years experience in tree and lawn and 10 years experience in home
repairs! references available, customer satisfaction at affordable
prices guaranteed! discounts for seniors,veterans, single mothers and
fathers, and no interest financing available! free estimates, now
accepting major credit cards!
TREE & LAWN Services provided: tree trimming, tree removal, tree and
shrub planting, shrub trimming and removal, mulching and rock
decorative, landscaping, mowing, leaf clean up and removal, seed and
fertilize, weed pulling, coy ponds, and fire pits built, yard waste
cleanup, poison ivy, poison sumac removal, fence clearing, gutter
cleaning, and snow removal!
exterior & interior painting, power washing, wood rot, windows,
doors, and siding replacement, deck repairs, staining, sealing, and
building and installation of decks, wheelchair ramps, and custom
railings and sun rooms, gutter repair, and installation, downspout &
pop up installed, roof repairs, and chimney repair, minor foundation
repair, minor concrete work, blow in insulation and weatherizing of
older homes, all electrical and plumbing is referred to our reputable
business partners of that trade, with our discounted prices.. no job to
big or to small!! call for free estimate