Home repair and remodeling.
Improvements: ___ Room additions, Kitchen and Bath remodeling, floor refinishing and trim.
Custom work: _____ Decks, handrails, stairs, cabinets and shelves, wainscot, and paneled ceilings.
Flooring: __________Hardwood, laminate, tile, stone, bamboo, cork, vinyl and heated floors.
Walls: ____________ Framing, insulation and thermal isolation, drywall, faux texturing and paint.
Utilities: __________ Plumbing, electric, gas, radiant floor heating and appliance installation.
Exterior: _________Roofing and gutters, windows, sky lights, light tubes and paint.
Maintenance: __ Damage repair, tree removal, gutter cleaning, tuck-pointing, almost everything.
Sale prep: __ Foundation repair, floor leveling, electric upgrades, power-washing, landscaping.
Respect, minimal intrusion, attention to detail and complete cleanup are routine.
Free estimates -- design help -- references -- low-cost solutions; quality results.
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Thank you, -- Charlie