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Ad ID: 013310
Total views: 928
Posted: Jan 25, 2023 02:01 AM
Residential ELECTRICIAN-Reputable & Honest (✔Affordable Valley Wide)
Phoenix, AZ
(602) 253-0245 (Doug)
Website / Link:
Looking for someone who is honest and won't waste your time? Someone who has fair rates and is reliable? With well over a decade in the Residential Electrical Field with professional experience, working with everything from diagnostic troubleshooting to dedicated circuits we would be happy to assist you in whatever you are needing help with. From new home construction, to older home remodels-We do it all:Troubleshooting, GFCI, lighting installation or change outs, dedicated circuits, switch replacement install, troubleshooting, as well as outlets and anything else you can think of, we have many satisfied customers, and many problems resolved. Our goal is to exceed, not just succeed in our customer's expectations. If there is anything that you need help with, whether it be trying to figure out what the problem is, simply upgrading your lights, or something more complicated, let us know and we will be more than happy to help you out. We service customers all throughout Phoenix and immediate surrounding areas of the valley with quality affordable work.

Please visit us to find out more about our services or to speak directly with an Electrician at WWW.SNSELECTRICAL.COM

✔Ceiling Fan Installation/Replacement


✔Panel Repairs

✔Indoor/Outdoor Lighting

✔Recessed/Can Lighting 

✔Outlets and Switches 

✔Circuit Breakers and Fuses 

✔ Appliance Circuits 

✔ Ceiling Fan Installation 

✔ Electric Water Heater 

✔ Exhaust Fans 

✔ Ground Fault Interrupter Circuits 

✔ Outlets and Circuits 

✔ Breakers Diagnosis or Repair

✔Speaker Installation

✔Porch Lights/Coach Lights/Security Lights

>>>>>>>Plus Much More!

Feel free to give us a call @ 602-253-0245 or contact us through email using the link above, with the details of what you need including your Major Crossroads. For your convenience we also have web chat available through our website. We can typically provide an estimate directly over the phone or through email. Please be sure to include the best number that you can be reached at. We are happy to help in any way we can. Thanks so much, we look forward to hearing from you.

Phone: 602-253-0245
Email: contact @snselectrical.com
website: www.SnsElectrical.Com

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