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Ad ID: 018064
Total views: 579
Posted: Dec 19, 2021 03:52 PM
Mimosa hostilis (jurema) root bark for sale (contains DMT)
Item(s) condition: New
Washington D.C., D.C.
Mimosa hostilis (jurema) root bark for sale (contains DMT)

The fern-like branches have leaves that are Mimosa-like, finely pinnate, growing up to 5 cm long. Each composite sheet contains 15-33 pairs of bright green leaflets 5-6 mm long. The tree grows up to 8 m in height [3] and can reach 4 to 5 m in height in less than 5 years. The white and fragrant flowers occur in vaguely cylindrical spikes 4-8 cm long. In the northern hemisphere it blooms and produces fruit from November to June or July. In the southern hemisphere it flowers mainly from September to January. The fruit is fragile and averages 2.5-5 cm long. Each pod contains 4-6 seeds that are oval, flat, light brown and 3-4 mm in diameter. In the Southern Hemisphere, the fruit ripens from February to April. The bark of the tree is dark brown to gray. It is divided longitudinally and the interior is reddish brown. The wood of the tree is dark reddish brown with a yellow center. It is very dense, durable and strong, with a density of approximately 1.11 g / cm³. Mimosa tenuiflora does very well after a forest fire, or other major ecological disturbances. It is a prolific pioneer plant. Leaves fall on the ground, continuously forming a thin layer of mulch and finally humus. Along with its ability to fix nitrogen, the tree conditions the soil, making it ready for other species of the plant to come along.

Specific dates
It is a purple / pink dye of premium quality Mimosa tenuiflora. Branch bark Harvested from NE Brazil. The product is freshly sprayed just before shipment.

A) 10% dimethyltryptamine contains an excellent N, N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N, N-DMT)
B.) Excellent in resistant dyeing of textiles or clothes
C) Excellent recovery from a headache associated with a lack of nicotine
D.) Excellent physical injuries and treatments for skin burns

our minimum order quantity is 5kg
contact (whatsapp +1 (201)500-8902 or email us at SproutPharmaceuticalscoltd3@mail.com

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