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Ad ID: 019652
Total views: 708
Posted: Jun 08, 2021 02:52 AM
Powerful African Herbalist healer Dr Sakarim +27710144927 (Calfornia)
Ontario, CA
Other locations:
ontario calfornia 1121
(071) 014-4927 Ext. +27 (dr sakarim)
Website / Link:
I am a Traditional Healer and professional spells caster from Africa. I have learnt all my spiritual work from my forefathers who were also into these spiritual fields. With the help of spiritual help and spiritual guidance we can heal a person and bring positive energies in his or her life. It is also possible to destroy any type of evil or black Magic negative energies and vibrations from the Body of the person and heal him with the power of positive energies.* 
For Relationship and Love Advice
Spiritual/Native Healing
Do you seek marriage?
Do you want divorce?
Do you feel you have no future?
Have you lost the zeal for life?
Do you feel like you are losing it?
Are you constantly afflicted by bad luck?
Do you seek love, friendship, want a past lover to return or a present lover to commit?
Do you seek success, power, fulfillment, happiness at home or at work?
Do you seek protection, security, peace of mind?
Do you seek revenge, retribution, want to even the score?
Do you want To control a person and have them do your bidding?
Do you seek To rid a person from your life. Exorcise them forever?
Do you seek To split a relationship, cause dissension, trouble?
Do you want attract customers to your business? 

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